The English Harem (2005 TV Movie)
A gentle look at the clash of two cultures
12 February 2006
This was not vintage Art Malik, but I found it an enjoyable and slightly tongue-in-cheek look at the clash of two cultures. To be fair it was not a particularly realistic plot, indeed at times it was rather thin, but for all that was able to show just how bigoted and inconsiderate some people can be, on both sides of the cultural fence. Martine McCutcheon's role quite delicately displayed just how limited and narrow some people can become in their lives. For me, however, Tony Slattery's slightly bumbling social worker role had distinct shades of Cleveland and Orkney, (older readers will know what I mean), in a situation which affects far too many people in today's society. It had relevance at a time when there is far too little understanding of how other people live, and perhaps should have taught everyone, even those holding more extreme views, that we should always take people's feelings into account. It will certainly get a second and third run in the DVD player.
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