Review of Tribulation

Tribulation (2000)
Not as bad as people have said
31 October 2005
This movie is NOT nearly as bad as what people have said about it. I agree it is a movie made especially for Christians, and its ideas on the rapture are debatable, but beyond that its about finding God and overcoming your doubts as are the rest of the films in the series. The thing about the tree with Eileen's name on it. Its about knowing God in a very uncertain world. These films, although overtly are about the rapture and tribulation they are more subtly about knowing God and his redemption. Plus this film might be Gary Bussey's best role ever. A rare gem in the midst of a sea of B films. This film is something that I would recommend for any Christian struggling with their faith. It is not for everybody. The script was strong in places and I will agree it was a low budget production, but I would recommend it.
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