Review of Secret Places

Secret Places (1984)
Very good film
1 November 2005
Secret Places is a great film that has been unfortunately largely forgotten since its release over 20 years ago. Just trying to obtain a VHS or DVD copy proves difficult, and the film is rarely shown on cable (at least in the US).

Secret Places follows the story of schoolgirls in England during WW2. Patience McKenzie (Tara McGowand) is the leader of group of girls who hide in the basements and hidden areas of the school (hence the title). Laura Meister (Marie Relin) is a German outsider who tries desperately to fit in. Patience is assigned the task of helping Laura adjust and they become friends.

This movie has a lot of heart. The two lead actors really inhabit the roles, their acting is very subtle and emotional. Relin is especially good, the viewer sees the isolation of being a refugee on her expressive face.
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