Help For The Lovelorn Radio Programme Creates Dramatic Action.
4 November 2005
A work that is very popular in Argentina and received well throughout South America, this has been the basis for a successful television series in its home country, with its director, Juan José Jusid, again at the helm, as well as an acclaimed novel of the same name by Argentina's Cecilia Absatz, the film's highly regarded status resulting in great part from a serio-comic approach to a recreational activity with which residents of Buenos Aires are familiar, i.e., popular therapy, in this instance proffered by a talk radio show for lonelyhearts that actually arranges romantic matches from among its listening audience. The primary characters are Fernández (Oscar Martínez) and Sarah (Susú Pecoraro), the former bedevilled with numerous insecurities, while Sarah clings to an unrealistically romantic conception of love, despite which the pair manages to develop a strong bond in the face of a false start and numerous setbacks, their ventures to find other potential lovers producing much of the film's humorous content, as do relationships with friends, the absorbingly written dialogue revolving in the main about methods to be utilized when in search of a mate. The film must be classified as a romantic drama due to its depiction of hazards facing those seeking love, and it is written, directed, performed and edited so ably that viewer interest is created from its opening shots to a finish that seems to come too quickly. Martínez and Pecoraro are standouts in this motion picture that eschews the theretofore common Argentinian cinematic references to political oppression that marked the recent period of the nation's military dictatorship, limning instead elements reflective of universal human nature and emotions, formatted here through a listener call-in pop psychology radio programme. Its release on DVD offers no extras and is not a remastering, but includes subtitles in English that are fairly accurate.
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