I am a horror fan. There is something about a stylish thriller that I think we all enjoy. However, anyone that appreciates a good thriller appreciates the style, suspense and craft that goes into a worthwhile film. I checked this film out on IMDb before I rented because I hated "House of 1000 corpses". Now that I have seen it I am stunned that it got a 7.0. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE??? This is simply an exercise in sadism. There is nothing enjoyable or suspenseful about cruel, nasty material done in an ugly way. I almost turned the "movie" off after the sickening humiliation of Priscilla Barnes, but I figured if I was going to express an opinion I should see the entire movie. What a mistake that was! Everyone involved in this sickening, vile mess should be deeply ashamed. Please...Someone tell me the point of this repugnant pile of self-serving crap! How does this get made??? How does this get financed??? And REALLY, how do you people find anything entertaining about this nasty exercise in brutality??? This "film" wallows in its own grotesque ugliness. There is no point, no art, no entertainment, no craft, no suspense and no reason. Rob Zombie has now assembled two of the most pointless, nasty, ugly, vile excuses for a movie ever made. I seriously don't want to be in a room with anyone who really enjoyed this rancid, pathetic piece of trash. There is real craft out there. Seek it out. This is the kind of thing that makes me lose all faith in people. This speaks volumes about how the rest of the world sees us in this country. It is my hope that Rob Zombie will never again have the finances at his disposal to construct another affront to the sensibilities of everyone but the criminally insane. If you are a real fan of horror stay clear of Mr. Zombie's sick masturbatory daydreams and seek out some masters of the craft. I suggest some Dario Argento. I sincerely hope that my comments don't make someone want to see this trash. I can imagine someone thinking "If it's that bad I have to see what all the fuss is about". Don't bother. You will just feel like you are covered in a thick slimy film that can't be washed off.