Fun fun fun...
9 November 2005
I saw this film at Cannes... a week of serious meetings and rubbish dinners and I laughed and laughed at this light hearted break from the reality(?) of the festival.

The little bit of anti-French humour was hilarious.. Especially as I watched this film in Cannes.

While the movie is reminiscent of Doubtfire, it is much less sappy and way more slapstick. Tom Green is decidedly more normal – while being as strange and funny as ever – than we have seen in his teen flicks.

Shields is, as always, stunning and beautiful and, also as usual, combines her graceful beauty with physical comedy and well delivered (punch) lines.

The children in this movie were very well cast, they make the movie in a number of ways that can't be discussed without a spoiler warning! Go out, rent this movie, order a pizza and enjoy.
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