Punky Brewster (1984–1988)
What happened to Punky?
15 November 2005
I love Punky Brewster! I grew up with her!! What happened to the Seasons on DVD? I already have seasons 1 & 2. I am waiting on season 3 and the rest of the show on DVD!! Please come out with them soon!! I will buy them just like I have the others. This show brings back a lot of childhood memories for me. I want to be able to pass this on to my children. Now a days, the shows on television for children are not appropriate. They need to bring back the family shows like this one. I don't even see reruns of this anywhere on television. I remember growing up on this show, Full House, Little House On The Prarie, etc. I see reruns of these shows but not Punky! I don't understand why not! Bring Punky back!! I want to see more of her on DVD and on television!
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