Dinosaur (2000)
16 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Dinosaur has great graphics: When I think of all animation movies I already watched, this one can be easily in the top5. Of course I cannot compare the dinosaurs from this movie to the ones of Jurassic Park, since they are very different from each other, but I can say that they both look very real. But this movie, in my opinion, has more points because of the animation then the story itself. It's cute, but with a very ordinary story; besides, there are some important errors here, specially in the beginning in the part of the meteor, when everything is destroyed in the Plio's island: That Impact would kill not only the lemurs,but also many of the dinos. And by the way: Lemurs and primates in general did not co-exist with dinosaurs!Even kids know that, come on. I will try to be less critic about this kind of errors,but taking them off, the story is cute.
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