Crumb (1994)
This Is One Sick Family
16 November 2005
As an old-time fan and reader of "Mr. Natural," the underground comic of the '60s, I was interested to view this documentary about the man behind those cartoons.

Wow, he was stranger than I figured and judging by his comics, I figured he was a weird dude to start with. This is film worth watching once, just for the fascinating view of this warped man and his even more mentally-ill family. It certainly won't bore you.

Robert Crumb is a leftover 1960s radical who now lives in France. That's a good country for him. The two deserve each other.

His brother Charles committed suicide shortly after this film's release after spending most of his adult life in his room. Crumb's other brother spends his time sitting on a bed of nails in his house. His two sisters must be somewhat normal since they refused to be interviewed and filmed for this documentary. The mother is extremely fat and very strange. His father, whom they described as a tyrant, was dead.

This is one sick family which is probably why film critics across the country raved about this. They could relate.
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