Review of Ivkova slava

Ivkova slava (2005)
simply watchable and relaxing
18 November 2005
Well, we have here another movie made by Sotra by novel of S. Sremac. It describes the life in southern Serbia in the 19 century. Movie describes one traditional family fest, and troubles which can come of it.

The actors were pretty OK, but biggest flaw was scenario, or adaptation of novel. In few occasions movie becomes pretty boring and movie is much to long. It's length is probably connected with the fact that movie should be montaged into mini series to be previewed on some Serbian television, which is also clearly shown on some strange scene cuts.

I've gave it 6 *, because it's still interesting to see some old customs, and it?s much better then it's predecessor Zona Zamfiirova ( . If you have some spare time, watch it. It will help you relax.
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