Macskafogó (1986)
Probably the best hand made cartoon on earth
21 November 2005
So this was my favorite cartoon movie for years. In this world the cats are the top predators, but they live side by side with the terrorized mice. When the Internouse have no more chance to stop the robberies of the Mafia like cats, they call their forgotten agent: Grabovski.

The speeches are very ironic, and funny. Some could be translated: -Remember what Julius Caesar said? -The guy who smuggled heroine in his wooden leg?? -Sure......

I don't want to involve politics, but it was visible that the cats looked like the west: tweeds, smoking Cuban like smoke, champagne etc. The good boy mice: presented the eastern block: uniforms, cigarettes....

I can only recommend for all family who want to have a good day. No blood, violence sometimes funny, but never aggressive as a Tom and Jerry.
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