Deadly Hero (1975)
My Memory of Being Disappointed (But How Accurate a Memory?)
22 November 2005
I've read the other reviews of Deadly Hero and I must confess I have little memory of this film. I saw it on HBO in the late 70's, when Horrible Body Odor showed all sorts of fun B movies that you never would see in your small town. The reviewers are of one mind, that the film was quite good and that it was similar to 1992's Unlawful Entry.

I do recollect that Don Murray's policeman is a sympathetic character and that there are several actors who went on to bigger and better things (which can be a joy by itself), but my overriding impression is that the film had some sort of ugly and/or weak ending. I'd like to see this movie again, but I live in a town so small the main drag is a transvestite (I've always wanted to say that in a movie review!) and there simply is no way the decently stocked video place twelve miles away is going to have this flick.

So, I'm left intrigued by the glowing reviews by my peers. It's either a mail order rental company (?!) or finding it on "ebay" (Amazon doesn't carry it).

Oh, well. Wish me luck and if the other reviewers are right, and you can find a copy, enjoy this almost unheard of movie for me!
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