Khail sums up my feelings about this movie with his infamous phrase: "AHHHHHHHHHH DAMN". This movie is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen, and when I say ridiculous I mean it. Nothing that happens in this movie is close to plausible. The characters are stupid, their motivation is stupid and the plot is unbelievably stupid. I could have made every single prop in this film with a budget of 100 dollars and a trip to Wal-Mart. So, to sum this up, should you see this movie? Absolutely yes! This movie is comedy gold. It is so bad that it will have tears of laughter streaming down your face. The ending is the single most ridiculous thing I have ever seen, and since I have tagged this as Spoilers, guess what? I am gonna spoil this. For seem reason the evil villain vampire, oh wait excuse me VampiYa, Khali straps the main character's wheelchair bound girlfriend to some explosives that he can only stop from exploding by cracking a safe. What is in the safe? Why is she strapped to the explosives strapped to the safe? I have nooo idea. But guess what? She explodes!!! I laughed my ass off. In fact, my roommates and I were laughing so hard that the local university police came to our door and told us to drop the noise level. So if you like bad horror movies, this is for you.