Comedy Gold
24 November 2005
I cant understand the low IMDb rating for what is a very funny film with two great stars in Richard Pryor and John Candy. Even though its a re-make and very much of its time (the 1980's) there is till plenty of entertainment to be had. Some of the areas of the film are still very relevant if you really could vote for none of the above isn't that a better vote than many of todays politicians? In tone this film is very similar to another 80's comedy - Trading Places, although this is the slightly lesser film it's still very enjoyable with plenty of comedy highlights. Pryor is outstanding and with the talented John Candy in support the film certainly doesn't lack laughs. There is even a message attached in places about the perils of greed and money but the ending feels quite abrupt and it would be nice to see the other characters re-action to the outcome.

8/10 - A bright and breezy comedy.
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