Resurrection (1980)
My Favorite Ellen Burstyn Performance...
13 December 2005
And that's saying a lot since I adore Ellen Burstyn and her work but I was deeply moved by her extraordinary performance in 1981's Resurrection, based on the true story of Edna Mae McCauley, a woman who gets into a horrific car accident which she barely survives (a journey which includes an out of body experience to the white light), but upon her return to the living, she is shocked to discover she has the ability to heal people with terminal illnesses and handicaps. Burstyn manages to imbue Edna with this lovely humanity which never allows her to exploit or take advantage of her special gift. Burstyn is so special in this film, she gives the character so much heart and makes her achingly real, despite her special gift. There is one amazing scene, which is burned in my memory forever, where she heals someone of a disfiguring illness and allows the illness to enter her own body and temporarily inhabit her own body. Burstyn commits so completely to this scene and it's harrowing to watch. Resurrection is a very special movie experience.
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