Review of Rewind

Rewind (1999)
Almost a master piece
13 April 2006
So simple, so fun, so great. You realize that the filmmaker as only a few experience or just not enough money, but the screenplay is just perfect, so the film is almost a master piece. Too bad that nobody promoted it when it was released, now it's a cult-movie with a few loyal fans, and it's impossible to find to rent or buy. So sad!

This comedy got a simple secret topic (discover it around minute 25), used in many stories, but with a unexpected turn, that exactly what make this film so fresh an amazing.

The actors plays very well, now that two of them are so popular thanks to the comedy tvshows, Daniel Guzmán and Maria Adanez, and here, for once! are NOT the couple.

Don't miss it if you have the chance.
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