One of the funniest local movies I've seen.
2 May 2006
I remember aimlessly wandering Blockbuster video one night in college looking for a movie I hadn't seen yet (a rarity) and I stumbled across this movie that had a bunch of actors I liked. I rented it, watched it, and boy am I glad I did. It does require a bit of an acquired taste since the film is very low budget, but it has some of the funniest performances I've seen in any comedy in years. Nick Turturro is a standout in this film as a pathological thief with zero self control. His brother, John, turns in a funny one as the Red-Hook-local-dance-legend, Disco Bean. It's gonna be hard going finding this movie anywhere. If this tells you anything, I got rid of all my VHS tapes years ago when DVD came out and my collection has amassed to well over 100 DVD's...but the one and only VHS tape I have to this day is "The Search for One-Eye Jimmy".
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