Dying Room Only (1973 TV Movie)
Tension filled, well acted (especially Cloris Leachman).....would love to see it again!
23 May 2006
While watching Leachman in "Spanglish" yesterday, I happened to think of the "Dying Room Only", and the terrific job done by Leachman, Ross Martin and the rest. I can still feel the incredible tension that was created entirely by the good acting and dialog alone.....no special effects. Having a loved one disappear without a trace while stopped at a creepy, remote diner seemed so believable the way it was portrayed. Leachman's character displayed such courage and determination motivated by her love for her husband. As the movie develops, you can REALLY feel Leachman's character's desperation. I agree that Kurt Russell's "Breakdown" was a modern day remake of this movie. "Dying Room Only" was much more simplistic, yet still managed to create just as much, if not more, suspense! Does anyone know a way to see this movie again? Please let me know.
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