So you don't want to be a mutant...
26 May 2006
Who wouldn't want the ability to walk through walls or fly away into the sky? Who wouldn't want to be able to lift cars hundreds of feet into the air or turn a cloudy day into a gorgeous sunny afternoon? For some this is a dream come true. For others than can't function without destroying their natural way of life, it is a curse. The premise for the latest installment of the X-Men saga is just that.

X-Men: The Last Stand goes deeper into the mutant versus human controversy. All of the favorites are back with the addition of some needed support. The main focus of this film is the introduction of a vaccine that can rid a mutant of its powers. It is called, "The Cure". Magneto, played once again by Ian McKellan, gathers his Brotherhood for a war on the mankind once more. His eyes are fixed on the one person who holds the answer, a small, innocent child with a gift so powerful, Magneto will risk everything for it.

Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart) upon hearing gathers his group of X-Men to stop the menacing Magneto. He is short a few of his troops from the last film. Cyclops is still lamenting over the loss of his dear Dr. Jean Grey. When he can't take it anymore, he drives out to where he last saw her. Her voice has driven him to the edge until she appears. Who he meets isn't Jean, but her true self; Phoenix. She is Jean's alter ego, the most powerful mutant Charles or Magneto ever encountered.

Director Brett Ratner of Rush Hour fame delivers an action packed, special effects driven adventure. His style is unlike that of the previous X-Men films. His version is more along the lines of a regular action flick. A lot of explosions, stunts galore, and a so-so script. What made the other films enjoyable was the emphasis on the characters. This film has almost too many to include. Although some weren't present and some don't make it, there are too many side stories going on than are needed.

The mutants are always a blast to watch. Hugh Jackman returns to his old guns, relying on witty remarks and vicious attacks on unsuspecting victims. Somehow it doesn't get old. Kelsey Grammar is introduced as Dr. Hank McCoy, better known as Beast, a blue skinned, blue haired genius who wants nothing more than this war to cease. Also introduced is Angel, who sadly doesn't play too much of a role. On the other side of the battle is Juggernaut (Vinnie Jones). A one man wrecking crew whose momentum is unstoppable to the strongest of obstructions. Beside him is Callisto, a speedy little devil whose impact is virtually just filler. There is more emphasis on characters like Kitty, the girl who can walk through walls, and Collossus, a metal strongman, and less emphasis on Rogue and Mystique.

Without these characters in play, the film is special effects driven. Impressive CGI graphics and and intelligent use of the mutants powers go a long way in the making of this film. Characters like Storm (Halle Berry) rely solely on the effects provided by Ratner and his team or visual effects artists.

As far as summer blockbusters go, this film isn't one to be trifled with. It presents a lot of aspects that a blockbuster should have: a lot of big name actors, reliable story lines, stunning effects, and most importantly, an appeal to a large audience. The movie might be a little bit mature for children, but comic book fans and fans of the films will thoroughly enjoy this. The only remaining question left is; will there be another?
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