This movie is not sick at all. Nor is it poorly made. It's about attachment and emotional connection. It's thoroughly French, evocative and moody; a road movie as well. Everyone in it is searching for someone/something. The star (Laurent Malet) delivers a great performance. I loved it.I saw it at a difficult time in my life. My father had died and a close friend had passed away from AIDS. I was quite susceptible to any depiction of great commitment and devotion. There are great cinematic images in it as well. A superb shot at the beach-towards the end of the film. Peter del Monte is Italian and has not made many films but I saw another of his films with Emmanuelle Riva in it. Can't remember the title though. I will say a person should have a real interest in French films to like this movie. It's in a style which would include Diva and Subway.