Not usually a fan of soaps, I read about the cast in some preview blurb. Knowing that a surprising number of worthwhile actors- both established and developing- had been cast in Pasadena, then having heard that Mike White was involved, I decided to give it a go... which turned out to be a huge mistake, in the long run. I tuned in, got hooked on the the excellent actors (nighttime soaps rarely get Pasadena's caliber of actors) into the characters, the stories, the production values... then it just ended. It's great that we get to see all 13 episodes again on Soap Net- though not that many people get that channel & so won't get the same chance. Still haven't gotten used to being left hanging virtually every time I really like a superior show (like Arrested Development, etc.) but I suspect I'm gonna have to soon... I really am tired of networks yanking viewers this way, and it gets worse every year.