This film is the last outing with Gabby Hayes. He appeared in 44 films with Roy. This film is set in Las Vegas at the annual Rodeo they use to have there in the old days. One very funny scene occurs after Dale is locked in a refrigerator. Roy tries to free her but ends up in a fight with the bad guys. When he opens the door he says, "I just have one question, does the light go out when I close the door..." I watched Roy on the Saturday broadcast of his old TV show when I was growing up in San Diego. We also watched Sky King and Fury. Then, one Saturday in the early 60's I woke up to find nothing but cartoons, and no more western heroes. Well, as soon they started making the videos of Roy's films and TV show available I started collecting them. My three kids have grown up with them and love them, even in black and white! Each year in February we visit the Roy Rogers and Dale Evans Film Festival in Apple Valley. 2007 will be the 10th Anniversary! Imagine spending three days watching these wonderful old films and hearing from some of the people who were there when they were made. Actors, Actresses and Stuntmen. Heldorado is one their best! Happy Trails! -Revran