In the first episode of a show that I turned on halfway through, the one thing I felt stood out was the acting of a few members of the cast...I felt that they portrayed an amateur or younger lawyer or DA perfectly in comparison to what we see on Law and Order. As for the rest of the show, it is different enough from the other Dick Wolf stuff that I find it more than interesting and will be marking this on the list for next week's show.
I realize that 12 or so years ago this show might not have legs, but compared to what we see now, this makes the short list with The Shield, The Office, and My Name Is Earl as shows to watch in 2006 for me!!!
I realize that 12 or so years ago this show might not have legs, but compared to what we see now, this makes the short list with The Shield, The Office, and My Name Is Earl as shows to watch in 2006 for me!!!