Love this show!! And Bill Bixby...
13 March 2006
I was about 4 years old when this show was on television and it is one of the oldest and fondest memories I have. Me and my dad would watch this show together every week. It just happened to be on my mom's night out. So, it was just me and him. After the show was over, it was time for me to go to bed. My father would pick me up on his shoulders and carry me upstairs and tuck me in. Excuse the sentimental stuff but I just caught a few episodes and I was overwhelmed with a memory flood. Beyond the childhood reminiscing: the show is pretty pure and straightforward and has something so blatantly missing from most television: heart. And the chemistry between Bill Bixby and Brandon Cruz was right on the mark. I'm a Harry Nillson fan so the theme (changed girlfriend to best friend) is fine with me. Tom Corbett should be inspiration for any dad out there! If you get a chance, check it out.
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