Black Sunday (1960)
Gothic brilliance
18 March 2006
The screenplay is hackneyed ,the story has been told told and told again...

And however,Bava's film is a sparkling diamond.How come?The direction of course,the cinematography absolutely incredibly breath-taking,and Barbara Steele ,the par excellence Gothic heroine:her fans will rejoice for she plays two parts here! Bava has no match when it comes to use the light the settings and the soundtrack.It's a black and white work and had it been filmed in color it would not have been better.From the gloomy family vaults to the forest where danger awaits on the young peasant girl to the doomed castle where a family tries to fight against a mysterious curse.

The carriage which takes the doctor to the mansion and its coachman reminds me of Murnau's "Nosferatu" .No less.
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