Awaragira (1990)
Awaragira ( The Sunset ) - The sunset of SriLankan Cinema......... !
20 March 2006
Colour - 132 Minutes - 35M.M

Though Awaragira was screened in 1995 in SriLanka It's production commenced in 1988. Initially late and slain Vijaya Kumaranatunga was chosen for the role of Wickramasuriya . Later Dilmon Jayaratne acquired the production of Awaragira in 1989. By that time Vijaya Kumanatunga was brutally assassinated . Therefore Wickramasuriya's role was played by Lucky Dias .

Awaragira was a novel by G.B. Senanayake , It is also claimed that it is indeed a very weakened sort of novel. Screenplay was written by Tony Ranasinghe who is also playing a key role as Ranbanda in the film. Karunaratne Banda Sathigala ( Joe Abeywickrama ) is the leading and center role here. He has migrated from the village to the town and become very successful in his business matters. Dingiri Manike ( Iranganie Serasinghe) is his wife . They have three children Dayaweera ( Kamal) is an engineer only daughter Vasantha ( Vasanthi Chaturani) and the youngest son Priyankara ( Ranjan ) doing Management studies.

The film clearly highlights the complexities that are confronted by the modern day families . Sacred temple of the tooth is clearly visible to the garden of Sathigala. The editor has used his scissors liberally without the consent of the director , Thereby he has shortened the film and has damaged the script. As a result Awaragira underwent severe criticisms .

Devaka S. Jayasuriya 90, Old Kesbawa Road Nugegoda SriLanka.
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