Colour - 132 Minutes - 35M.M
Though Awaragira was screened in 1995 in SriLanka It's production commenced in 1988. Initially late and slain Vijaya Kumaranatunga was chosen for the role of Wickramasuriya . Later Dilmon Jayaratne acquired the production of Awaragira in 1989. By that time Vijaya Kumanatunga was brutally assassinated . Therefore Wickramasuriya's role was played by Lucky Dias .
Awaragira was a novel by G.B. Senanayake , It is also claimed that it is indeed a very weakened sort of novel. Screenplay was written by Tony Ranasinghe who is also playing a key role as Ranbanda in the film. Karunaratne Banda Sathigala ( Joe Abeywickrama ) is the leading and center role here. He has migrated from the village to the town and become very successful in his business matters. Dingiri Manike ( Iranganie Serasinghe) is his wife . They have three children Dayaweera ( Kamal) is an engineer only daughter Vasantha ( Vasanthi Chaturani) and the youngest son Priyankara ( Ranjan ) doing Management studies.
The film clearly highlights the complexities that are confronted by the modern day families . Sacred temple of the tooth is clearly visible to the garden of Sathigala. The editor has used his scissors liberally without the consent of the director , Thereby he has shortened the film and has damaged the script. As a result Awaragira underwent severe criticisms .
Devaka S. Jayasuriya 90, Old Kesbawa Road Nugegoda SriLanka.
Though Awaragira was screened in 1995 in SriLanka It's production commenced in 1988. Initially late and slain Vijaya Kumaranatunga was chosen for the role of Wickramasuriya . Later Dilmon Jayaratne acquired the production of Awaragira in 1989. By that time Vijaya Kumanatunga was brutally assassinated . Therefore Wickramasuriya's role was played by Lucky Dias .
Awaragira was a novel by G.B. Senanayake , It is also claimed that it is indeed a very weakened sort of novel. Screenplay was written by Tony Ranasinghe who is also playing a key role as Ranbanda in the film. Karunaratne Banda Sathigala ( Joe Abeywickrama ) is the leading and center role here. He has migrated from the village to the town and become very successful in his business matters. Dingiri Manike ( Iranganie Serasinghe) is his wife . They have three children Dayaweera ( Kamal) is an engineer only daughter Vasantha ( Vasanthi Chaturani) and the youngest son Priyankara ( Ranjan ) doing Management studies.
The film clearly highlights the complexities that are confronted by the modern day families . Sacred temple of the tooth is clearly visible to the garden of Sathigala. The editor has used his scissors liberally without the consent of the director , Thereby he has shortened the film and has damaged the script. As a result Awaragira underwent severe criticisms .
Devaka S. Jayasuriya 90, Old Kesbawa Road Nugegoda SriLanka.