Over the past 7 years we've had many first person shooters...there's Goldeneye, Quake, The first medal of honours. Then we come to the recent ones...The late medal of honours, Call of duty, Timesplitters and Quake is still going! There are only two classics in there which are Timesplitters series and the quake series. Firstly, Timesplitters is literally a modern remake of the rare classic goldeneye with levels like siberia. Its like goldeneye but weirder and with zombies and monkeys. And quake, the modern one that went right with innovative weapons and online gaming...I forgot to mention unreal tournament and halo which are also amazing Pc shooters. The meaning of this is they do it right, Call of duty doesn't. They gave medal of honour a different name and added a series of short war heros tales...Yes the Russian accents are funny, but it feels like I've played the game 5000 times before...With a stench of medal of honour frontline and the gameplay of rising sun you'd think it would be good this isn't!