Review of Dead Birds

Dead Birds (2004)
Why such a low rating for this film?
31 March 2006
Anyone reading the rating for this film (5.6) would assume this is a slightly better than average horror flick.

In fact its only the way IMDb calculates the weighted average that gives it such a low score - the median average is 6.6 which still too low for this film.

This is a way above average horror flick.

Setting the action in the time of the American Civil War works brilliantly. The story moves at a delivered tempo due to the excellence of the largely unknown cast, the spooks are spooky, the shocks are shocking but the real tour de force is the soundtrack.

From early on in the piece the music gives the film an edge - remorselessly maintained throughout yet never intrusive.

A high quality watch. Not a classic - not an award winner just a thoroughly enjoyable 90 minutes of escapism.

You wont be disappointed.
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