I find this one of the most unusual carry ons,as it seems to take life a bit more serious,its more kitchen sink drama, which for this carry on is appropriate for the title.For me it has the funniest plot of all,which is the budgie who can pick horse winners,and the excellent teaming of Sid James and Hattie Jacques as the married couple.Vic the union leader and his nagging Irish mum are also very funny.Although the usually very funny Bill Maynard seems a bit wasted in this film,i don't think he gets many funny lines,if any.On the whole this is a very enjoyable carry on,and the only time you see a man get spanked in a film, which was quite original.It was a carry on, which tried to be different from the others and does succeed.Although it does still have the same naughty gags,but then thats what carry on films are for.We don't make films like these anymore so enjoy them while you can.