Emotion level down, but still enjoyable. Scrat steals again!
9 April 2006
Ice Age is one of the best animations ever made so I was excited about the return of Scrat & co. While the new adventure doesn't have the same emotional impact as the first (less tear-jerky, I mean), it makes up for it with comedy. Scrat's attempts to hang on to his acorn are longer & even more hilarious. The Possums & their big "sister" are excellent new characters, providing their own share of the laughs. The romance plot is less dramatic than the baby's tale, sometimes slowing the action. However it's sweet & provides some fun dialogue. Sid is brilliant, his mini adventure a definite highlight. Diego's role is reduced, but still vital. He's especially funny with Sid. If you enjoy the Ice Age films, I also recommend The Land Before Time adventures. They share the same formula & the same heart. 8/10
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