Rocky Mountain Christmas (1975 TV Special)
Under-appreciated Yule Jewel
9 April 2006
John Denver, Steve Martin, and Olivia Newton-John ... three of the premiere talents of the 1970s together on one visually astounding Christmas special. If one gets a chance to see it now, it might be easy to forget how groundbreaking the photography and content were, both inside the special climate controlled dome and out in the majesty of the Rockies. JD's personality is showcased is its finest "far out" form ... and he's completely engaging. Martin is his manic self in a time period just before the mania hit, which is cool, because there's still just enough "who is this guy and what is he doing?" in the audience's reaction. Olivia is gorgeous, and so is her voice. I believe this represented the debut of the JD/ONJ collaboration on "Fly Away". In the 70s and 80s, nobody did Christmas like John Denver ... and for capturing a moment in time, there may never have been the equal of this Christmas special.
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