Another Mommy-Obsessed "Slasher" - This Time With A Flame-Thrower!!!
11 April 2006
DON'T GO IN THE HOUSE is a relatively un-talked about film that falls squarely in the slasher genre - though our lead psycho never actually "slashes" anyone...preferring instead to burn 'em up with a military-style flame-thrower. Comparisons can be drawn to such other mother-obsessed horror films like PSYCHO, PIECES, and MANIAC - as our main-man is all whacked-out due to the treatment he received as a young lad at the hands of his over-bearing momma.

Donny (who reminds me of a cross between Mike Damone and a young Dustin Hoffman...) is a quiet kinda guy whose mother just died. She used to burn him as a kid for being "evil", but I guess a kid's still gonna love their mom - even if she was an abusive bitch. Not taking her death too well, he consoles himself by picking up random chicks and torching them to death in a makeshift steel room in his newly inherited house. He then keeps the charred remains around so he can dress 'em up and talk to 'em. Things get really out of hand for Donny when one of his friends from work invites him out-on-the-town with a couple of broads to the local disco. Needless to say, Donny ain't too good with social interaction of the courtin' kind - and makes a big mess of the whole scene. This brings a bunch of "heat" down on Donny that makes it impossible to hide his obsessions any longer...

DON'T GO IN THE HOUSE is pretty standard slasher material with the flame-thrower as a "different" element. The film is relatively misogynistic due to our psycho's penchant for torching hot young ladies...but the concept itself is nothing new. There are a few choice scenes (the disco scene is flat-out hilarious...) and a couple tits-n-ass shots, including some brief full-frontal. Donny's performance is pretty good too as the quite and mild-mannered freak. Definitely worth a look to slasher fans but don't expect anything extremely original or "shocking"...7/10
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