Charlies Angels was a semi serious, comedic detective series about three girls, who were working with faceless and mysterious Charlie. And this movie is updated version out of the series, now adding goof ball humour, sex and coolness factor in to the mix.
The angels this time are Cameron Diaz, Lucy Liu and Drew Barrymore. Their boss still is Charlie and his right man Bosley is played by Bill Murray. The plot line goes in the lines of: important software stolen, get it back, who did it. But that matters very little, as the movie has only one aim: to be as cool as it is humanly possible. And when it get tired of being cool it just starts throwing goof ball humor left and right.
I honestly have trouble of reviewing this film as a real movie, as it obviously doesn't even try to be one, but then again what is a real movie. Charlie's Angels is like one huge music video with action and gimmicks in it. The girls are pretty and do throw a couple of great lines and the action is just fine, but the truth is the movie doesn't hold up for multiple viewings. It is a fast food film.
The angels this time are Cameron Diaz, Lucy Liu and Drew Barrymore. Their boss still is Charlie and his right man Bosley is played by Bill Murray. The plot line goes in the lines of: important software stolen, get it back, who did it. But that matters very little, as the movie has only one aim: to be as cool as it is humanly possible. And when it get tired of being cool it just starts throwing goof ball humor left and right.
I honestly have trouble of reviewing this film as a real movie, as it obviously doesn't even try to be one, but then again what is a real movie. Charlie's Angels is like one huge music video with action and gimmicks in it. The girls are pretty and do throw a couple of great lines and the action is just fine, but the truth is the movie doesn't hold up for multiple viewings. It is a fast food film.