An outstanding 'ride' at Disney World, Florida. It was unique, terrifying, and one of it's kind. Everything from the pre-shows to the experience itself was well worth a visit at least once. It's whole point of existence was to frighten you...and frighten it did. One recalls just a few of the many effects; the hot breath on the back of your neck, the blood dripping from the ceiling and, of course, the alien itself. It was a monstrosity! When the lights went, screams everywhere mixed with nervous laughter. May I not forget to mention that the visual and audio effects were amazing.
Sadly it no longer stands. AE led a short life compared to most other attractions but leaves a long lasting impression in our memories for those who were able to experience it. Godspeed, Alien Encounter!
Sadly it no longer stands. AE led a short life compared to most other attractions but leaves a long lasting impression in our memories for those who were able to experience it. Godspeed, Alien Encounter!