I walked into this movie thinking it would suck based on reviews. I was surprised that it actually was interesting and provocative. I think some people might have trouble handling the subject matter and the fact that it's treated with equal parts seriousness and humor. But uncomfortable laughter to me is the sign of a movie that actually pushes some of our buttons and that's a good thing. The cast here is wonderful, in particular Elisha Cuthbert, who proves she can act and Katy Mixon, who nails the bitchy teen banter that can be so typical in other movies. The direction is heavy handed at times but the humor does a good job of undercutting the heavy atmopshere. The ending does have some problems which I won't post here since I don't want to give anything away, but overall I think any movie that manages to be this disturbing is worth a look. I suspect this film will be re-evaluated when its time has come.