Potent, occasionally disturbing, but ultimately uncomfortable thriller from Ramona Stewart's novel concerns an upper-crust New Yorker (Shirley MacLaine) who reunites with her vivacious brother, but soon begins to suspect he's either on drugs, insane, or worse...it's worse. Unapologetic film dives in where most movies would fear to tread, and that's both pro and con. Turns out Joel Delaney has become involved in a voodoo cult and is now possessed by the soul of a vicious killer. Final moments with MacLaine and kids at the beach, cornered by Perry King's dangerous Delaney, are quite nasty...but you have to admire that final plot-twist, handled with unashamed bravado. I would recommend the picture to connoisseurs of the offbeat, even if the film is actually rather pointless, never dealing in depth with its own subject matter. ** from ****