This miniseries does a credible job in presenting the cultural landscape during the Shogunate years. Not only is it a historical (somewhat modified) adventure, it demonstrated the advances the Japanese had made in medicine, iron-working and in other areas. It shows the differences between the Western and Eastern attitudes towards cleanliness and religion- which had not been presented before. It also shows the stratified class society of those times. A shock to our delicate sensibilities - but, at least an attempt to show it in a positive manner. The costumes and background was very accurate for the time and it was the first honest attempt to portray the Japanese in a kindly manner since before Pearl Harbor. Could it have been better - yes, could it have been more historically accurate - again yes, BUT it sure was light years better than the horrible attempts that had littered the movie landscape in prior years. It also encouraged people to see Toshiro Mifune and Kurosawas' other classics such as Rashomon, etc. Definitely worth watching.
An excellent rendition of the cultural reality during the shogunate years
9 September 2006