Review of Touched

Touched (I) (2005)
Two Thumbs Up!
11 September 2006
Without a doubt, I was absolutely touched by this movie. It really hit close to home for me due to my mother passing away while in a coma. After reading previous comments, I see that people don't understand why certain things were even included in the movie. For instance, the situation with her brother. However, I think if you or someone you know has been through such a realize even more just how precious life is and how it can end at any minute. That is the reason that I believe that specific story line is included in the movie. It goes along with the theme. I was crying throughout the entire movie...It really touched my heart. I, like many others I'm sure, believe that I was meant to see this movie for a reason. I lost my mother in February and to this day.... do not feel the loss getting any easier to cope with. I still grieve every single day....and I was recently told by a friend that I needed to let her go in peace. To hear what the little boy said to his dad about letting go...let's just say I could have filled a bucket with tears! Anyhow, long story short...I was so impressed with the movie and the actors. I plan on buying it.
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