Take a trip to Potter's Bluff and the chances are you'll wind up dead; but give it a day or two and you'll be up and about and as right as rain, courtesy of local mortician Mr.Dobbs, expert in the reconstruction of corpses and a dab hand at the ol' black magic.
Director Gary Sherman (Deathline, Poltergeist III) and writer Dan O'Bannon (Alien, Return of the Living Dead) deliver an effective little horror movie which, despite a rather preposterous premise, manages to be very eerie and also rather shocking.
Dead and Buried actually managed to appear on the DPP Video Nasty list in the 80's, but although there are quite a few gruesome moments, there really wasn't anything so bad that it warranted banning the film; fortunately, the film is now available uncut on DVD.
The gory moments, by renowned FX artist Stan Winston, include a nasty burns victim, an impressive 'syringe-in-the-eye' gag, a wonderful facial reconstruction scene, and a slightly less impressive moment when a victim has acid squirted up his nostrils, resulting in a facial meltdown.
Director Sherman does a great job in imbuing the film with a spooky vibe (most notably with the scene in which a family are pursued through a deserted house by the murderous inhabitants of Potter's Bluff) and the majority of the cast (including a pre-Elm Street Robert Englund) give commendable performances.
The movie ends with a nice little twist that should surprise most viewers.
***EDIT: Apparently, the acid effect was not by Stan Winston, but another FX teamsee trivia for details***
Director Gary Sherman (Deathline, Poltergeist III) and writer Dan O'Bannon (Alien, Return of the Living Dead) deliver an effective little horror movie which, despite a rather preposterous premise, manages to be very eerie and also rather shocking.
Dead and Buried actually managed to appear on the DPP Video Nasty list in the 80's, but although there are quite a few gruesome moments, there really wasn't anything so bad that it warranted banning the film; fortunately, the film is now available uncut on DVD.
The gory moments, by renowned FX artist Stan Winston, include a nasty burns victim, an impressive 'syringe-in-the-eye' gag, a wonderful facial reconstruction scene, and a slightly less impressive moment when a victim has acid squirted up his nostrils, resulting in a facial meltdown.
Director Sherman does a great job in imbuing the film with a spooky vibe (most notably with the scene in which a family are pursued through a deserted house by the murderous inhabitants of Potter's Bluff) and the majority of the cast (including a pre-Elm Street Robert Englund) give commendable performances.
The movie ends with a nice little twist that should surprise most viewers.
***EDIT: Apparently, the acid effect was not by Stan Winston, but another FX teamsee trivia for details***