The Wright Brothers series by Ford Austin, Scott Ingalls and their crew of whacky early 20th century, history revisionists is great stuff. I've seen episodes 1-4 and all are very funny with the Wright Brothers milk drinking do-gooders and the insane Teddy Roosevelt demanding that Orville and Wilbur save the world yet again from surf zombies or psychopathic Buddhist hypnotists. The special effects are fantastic and astonishing when you find out they were created on a nothing budget. Austin and Ingalls seem to be maximizing the potential of the digital video revolution by not just pointing a dv camera at a roommate who lamely recites dead dialogue but by building sets, creating a unique atmosphere and best of all, delivering more laughs in five minutes than most Hollywood comedies deliver in 90! Great, funny stuff without resorting to gross or cheap outrageous antics.