It makes one wonder about the footage (half the film) that the processing lab irretrievably lost. Too bad too because although Meyer improvised by reshooting footage of huge-breasted Uschi Digard (and who can argue with that?), I'd be willing to bet that the lost footage was even better. Not that I don't have anything at all against Uschi (I don't), but I get the distinct impression the missing footage would have even been more erotic. If the missing footage is anything like the most erotic scene in the movie - the seduction of the Franklin Bolger character by the nurse = it would have blown the audience right out of their seats. The jump cuts featuring Uschi are nice to look at but without any substance they cannot be put into proper perspective as relative to the film. Charles Napier is fine as the corrupt sheriff (he plays bad guys extremely well) but it is the amply endowed women in the cast that steal the show.