Office workers saving the day from evil monsters from an alternate universe. Good premise, I like the characters for the most part. The Army guy started out like such a jerk, but he warms up and turns into a value member of the team. The company caring about Profits more then lives is kind of stupid, after all, the profit margins will go down if the human race is WIPED OUT!!!! But all and all Japan made another great anime series worth buying and watching over and over again. I love the monster designs and the design of DAI-GUARD. I say that this is a must for anime fans who like things like SHOGUN WARRIORS and ROBOTECH. This is that class of good. The story lines are great. I'm just sorry that it didn't last longer then one year. I give it...9 STARS!
Review of Chikyû bôei kigyô Dai-Guard
Chikyû bôei kigyô Dai-Guard
Officer Workers Saving The World!
22 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers