Fat Pizza (2003)
Just give me the TV show Pleeeaasse!
24 July 2006
I have visited OZ twice, and was shown the TV series by Aussie friends. As a real sitcom buff, and a taste for anarchy on screen, I took to the show immediately, no that's an understatement, I bloody loved it!

On my return to OZ I looked out for it again, and SBS began to show it and it was as good as I remembered.

I discovered the film, and was very excited to sit and watch it. Unfortunately it just didn't live up to my expectations, and I didn't find it particularly funny. I enjoyed the characters as I always would, but I would have bought a copy to bring home even if I had thought it to be just OK, but the fact that it wasn't worth it says a lot. I am desperate to obtain copies of the series on DVD, but as far as I know they hadn't/haven't made them. This is a great shame as I would love to introduce friends here to the show.

TV Show 10/10 Film 5/10
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