Amon Saga (1986)
Entertaining,mystical and very watchable in-spite of flaws.
25 July 2006
I had a VHS copy of this for years and it never quite tracked right, still I watched this twice on this poor VHS copy and hoped to get a better copy of this movie so I could really enjoy it. I did, on DVD.

After watching it I am mostly pleased and slightly let down with the results. The animation is weak, that is the only let down, not the art work but the frame rate.

The art is amazing the story a blast, the violence , controlled but enjoyable, not too over the top so as to draw you out of the story, but enough to make you go WOW.

The main Characters are characters, and you follow their adventures with interest, and an emotional investment in a happy outcome.

I recommend this movie, it IS dated as far as its animation goes,but the story is classic as it the art.
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