Excellent themes, skilled acting. Yet it's pretensions offend the discerning.
1 August 2006
"To End All Wars" came to my attention via a friend in Youth With A Mission, the organization that is a major player behind it's making.

The first half of the narrative is well done, as are many aspects of the latter half. Unfortunately, the screenwriters don't give their viewers enough credit. No one with the savvy to appreciate, or at least recognize, the comparison of Jesus' ethic of unconditional love to the ideals of Bushido needs bludgeoning with a recapitulation of the Gospel as was done in the coda to this film.

The story is so well done, the themes so clearly delineated, the principal roles so thoroughly identified with those themes - let the story tell the story! It's not hard to draw any conclusions for those so inclined.

There is a line in one of the letters from the Apostle Peter: Be ready to answer anyone who asks about the hope you cherish in Jesus Christ. One of the great themes (if not the foremost theme) in this film was that of earning the right to be heard.

I wish the screenwriters paid closer attention to their craft and followed suit. This could have been a great film.
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