Bad but good
14 December 2006
Simply put, this move tracks the adventures of a man named Flynn Carsen to find the riches of King Solomon and protect their secrets. He meets Emily Davenport, a brilliant, beautiful woman, who is obsessed with the Queen of Sheeba, and the two go off together to find the "Mines" where the treasure, and a very dangerous book of spells, is hidden.

OK, this movie is very cliché. If Harrison Ford was in it and the script, acting, and special effects were slightly better, it could be Indiana Jones. The acting is fairly bad and the plot jumps from place to place, never really certain who feels what and who does what.

That said, it is one of those movies that is so bad, that it's good. Even though the acting is goofy, it is still funny, and despite the plot holes, it is still fun. It's the kind of movie to watch on a Tuesday night when there's nothing to do. And, it's a TV movie. It's not going to be theater worthy. Think of it as cute and a good family movie (except for maybe one scene).

So watch this knowing that you won't be awed by it, only relatively amused.
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