Review of Going Nomad

Going Nomad (1998)
a funny, quirky, journey
19 December 2006
Going Nomad is a humorous look at one man's struggle to face maturity. It takes on a lot, with metaphors to physics and religious questions. All this is done however in a very lighthearted manner, with lots of laughs, a wink, and a nod. This is given a counterpoint with the poetic musings of the 'asphalt nomads', who drive the streets at night, contemplating and trying to make sense of it all. One of my favorite scenes involves the main character (El Cid Rivera) ordering coffee in a Hispanic Bodega. He becomes the subject of teasing for not knowing Spanish in spite of his heritage. It's a subtle comment which is familiar to New Yorkers, and to any children of immigrants. The film presents many threads, which create a challenge to follow through on, but filmmaker Art Jones pulls it together and by the end of the film we feel that we have not just been along for the ride, but have experienced the journey.
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