Review of Psych

Psych (2006–2014)
A Star is Born
23 December 2006
Where did James Roday come from? Wow. I haven't seen anyone with this much star potential since Tom Cruise came onto the scene.

The show's premise is refreshingly plausible, despite the seemingly dozens of shows in recent years in which detectives with 'special powers' solve crimes. The twist is that he *doesn't* have special powers beyond excellent training by a dad with burdensome expectations.

Somehow it manages to combine youthful thirty-ish banter between buddies (Friends-style) with Monk-ish sleuthing and to charm our pants off at the same time.

The only weakness may be the cartoonish antagonism of officer Carlton Lassiter, who hates Shawn Spencer and denies his results beyond all reason. Hopefully, the writers will find a more comfortable space for the character to occupy.

Can't wait for the next season.
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