I have to concur with silqui69 on this one. The Invincible Barbarian is a film of epic proportions. When The main barbarian , writer, cinematographer boldly and states " And there must be another worm of the Zulpher nesting there". I almost dropped my happy smoke in pure jubilation. I mean really is no one here noticing the high quality of construction - barbarian work boot that was specially modified and designed by the costume - catering department? The placement of the faux fur on those boots just screams " I work hard and play hard, and by god I swing a mean weapon as well". Don't take me lightly my friend. I may have detected a 10 penny nail in one of the boots but that in no way detracts from the quality and craftsmanship of the costume designer. I have never been so thoroughly entertained and shutter to think there will be another movie of this entertainment value gracing the big screen again Kudos invincible barbarian kudos!!!