This movie begins as a light romantic comedy and ends as a tearjerker. It doesn't work for me. Set at the end of the second world war three hero/veterans of the air-war over Europe go on a war bonds tour with a minder from the Treasury Department who turns out to be a beautiful blonde. After a series of ordinary hijinks the Robert Cummings character marries the Treasury girl. Through happenstance she learns that he is dying of leukemia and we are expected to cry.
It is sort of expected that the brave soldier is to die in a war movie, but this is not a war movie. It is a light comedy set after the war. Surely they could have come up with a better plot than to have the young widow hear aircraft over her house and then the voice of her departed husband? But if you like Bob Cummings from his other works, such as "Love That Bob" where he plays another former WWII flier named Bob Collins it is worth seeing. Additionally it is an interesting view of the way our society was in 1945 and for these reasons it should be seen.
It is sort of expected that the brave soldier is to die in a war movie, but this is not a war movie. It is a light comedy set after the war. Surely they could have come up with a better plot than to have the young widow hear aircraft over her house and then the voice of her departed husband? But if you like Bob Cummings from his other works, such as "Love That Bob" where he plays another former WWII flier named Bob Collins it is worth seeing. Additionally it is an interesting view of the way our society was in 1945 and for these reasons it should be seen.